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Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Rapid intervention! / Intervencion rapida!

Click on the photo or HERE to see more pics (don’t worry, none of them show anything unpleasant) / Haz clic en la foto o AQUI para ver mas (no te preocupes, no se ve nada desagradable)

Last Saturday (Sept 13) there was a motorcycle accident just in front of our home. One man was injured with two nasty cuts to his head, although fortunately not life-threatening (the guy never lost consciousness). Elena rapidly grabbed our first aid medical kit and provided first care at the scene by disinfecting and bandaging the man’s head. He was then transported to the hospital, were he’ll hopefully make a prompt recovery. If only he had been wearing a crash helmet…

El pasado Sabado (13 Sep) hubo un accidente de moto justo enfrente de nuestra casa. El herido era un hombre con dos profundos cortes en la cabeza, aunque afortunadamente su vida no corria peligro (nunca estuvo inconsciente). Elena rapidamente se hizo con nuestro botiquin de primeros axulios y le dio atencion primaria en medio de la calle, desinfectandole y vendadole la cabeza. Entonces se lo llevaron al hospital, donde esperemos que se recupere pronto. Si hubiera llevado el casco puesto…

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